I want to be a zookeeper...pilot...teacher...princess! Like every other kid's, my list was endless and ever-changing. Most of us outgrow that. We decide what we really want to do with ourselves, or at least land on something we think will make us happy. I was never quite able to narrow it down to one thing, still haven't. It's okay, I've done some reflection and come to terms with my indecisiveness. I even figured out how to major in "a little bit of everything," and I'm almost finished with my Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) at Western Kentucky University. If all goes well, I'll graduate in December. The BIS Program requires a capstone project before graduation, and this blog is mine. Hopefully while being somewhat entertaining, I'll reflect on my college career, how I have progressed personally and academically, and what it's been like, for me, attending school as a non-traditional student.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Proctored Exams, Princesses and Poopy Diapers

Sorry, the three "P"s seem to occupy my thoughts an awful lot lately.  I just took a mid-term, which was my first experience with DELO testing at WKU.  Pretty amazing considering I've been at Western for twelve years and have taken numerous online courses.  As for princesses, my daughter is almost four, and certainly fits the description.  My youngest son is 18 months, and generates many of the last item. It seems that if one of the three is not occupying my time these days, the other two are.

The craziness stems from my discovery this past summer that I only needed two more classes to graduate, plus my capstone course.  Naturally I thought, "Great, I can do this!  No need to split it between two semesters!"  A normal, rational person would have said to herself, "Honey, you've been in and out of college for twelve years.  Why get in a hurry now?"  I, on the other hand, like to make things hard on myself.    Needless to say, with three kids - two of them under age five - it's been hectic.

The semester has also been SOOOO rewarding.  I am taking English 381, an English Lit Survey, and I love it!  I have discovered that I really have a thing for Shakespeare and John Donne - how could I have hated this stuff so much in high school?   The huge surprise, though, is how much I am enjoying English 401, Advanced Composition.  I hadn't taken a writing class since English 300, probably nine years ago, before this semester, so I was a little nervous.  Now, I keep saying that I wish I'd had this class fifteen years sooner.  It's given me so much great advice on how to go about the process and how to keep from getting discouraged.  I always thought that because I didn't have a complete novel floating around in my head I couldn't be a writer.  Now I know that "real" writers sometimes (often) struggle and agonize over every little sentence too.

Having said this, I offer a disclaimer, or perhaps a plea.   Reader, please reserve judgment as much as possible on my writing skills, or lack thereof.  I will do my best to avoid typos, but I seem to have a hard time finding my own mistakes.  Others' mistakes are much easier - ha!  I shall also endeavor to avoid rambling, and I'll try to be as entertaining as possible with what material I have.  If, after reading with a kind and open mind, you still think it sucks, please let me know what I could do to improve things.  I can handle constructive criticism, and it gets me all fired-up and self-righteous - perfect mood for writing.
~Hasta luego

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