I want to be a zookeeper...pilot...teacher...princess! Like every other kid's, my list was endless and ever-changing. Most of us outgrow that. We decide what we really want to do with ourselves, or at least land on something we think will make us happy. I was never quite able to narrow it down to one thing, still haven't. It's okay, I've done some reflection and come to terms with my indecisiveness. I even figured out how to major in "a little bit of everything," and I'm almost finished with my Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) at Western Kentucky University. If all goes well, I'll graduate in December. The BIS Program requires a capstone project before graduation, and this blog is mine. Hopefully while being somewhat entertaining, I'll reflect on my college career, how I have progressed personally and academically, and what it's been like, for me, attending school as a non-traditional student.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nah-nah-na, boo-boo! I'm busier than you are!

May I just rant for a moment?  This has been bothering me for the better part of my loooooooong college career.  College KIDS.  I know that I am truly a grown-up now, because I want to just grab up some of the younger students in my classes, shake them a little, and say "Wake up, whippersnapper!!"  Hell, if I said that, not only would I be an official grownup, I'd be eligible for senior citizen discounts.  Anyway, this anger toward my younger classmates is directed at the few who shirk their responsibilities to the group.  The two online courses I'm in this semester require a lot of group interaction.  To make up for slacking, these guys post a lame apology with excuses about how many hours they had to work last week, how little sleep they got, blah, blah, blah.  I want to tell them how when you have kids, you're never off work.  You never get any sleep, because you're working then, too.  Know why? Because little kids don't sleep!  They crawl into your bed all night long or call you in for drinks of water and back scratches at three in the morning.  I want to tell them, "You're not really busy at all - just wait!"  Of course, I don't tell them. Because someday, if they're as lucky as I am, they'll find out for themselves.

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