I want to be a zookeeper...pilot...teacher...princess! Like every other kid's, my list was endless and ever-changing. Most of us outgrow that. We decide what we really want to do with ourselves, or at least land on something we think will make us happy. I was never quite able to narrow it down to one thing, still haven't. It's okay, I've done some reflection and come to terms with my indecisiveness. I even figured out how to major in "a little bit of everything," and I'm almost finished with my Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) at Western Kentucky University. If all goes well, I'll graduate in December. The BIS Program requires a capstone project before graduation, and this blog is mine. Hopefully while being somewhat entertaining, I'll reflect on my college career, how I have progressed personally and academically, and what it's been like, for me, attending school as a non-traditional student.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hello. My name is Amelia, and I'm a Procrastinator.

So, I suddenly remembered, as I do most Sundays, my poor little neglected blog.  I started thinking about procrastinating, and pondered (not for the first time) what it is about my personality that WILL NOT allow me to complete anything until the last possible minute.  I got this clever little idea for a post about how I need to start a "Procrastinators Anonymous," then realized that there probably really is such a thing.  Sure enough, procrastinators-anonymous.org has all the information a slacker needs to get on the punctuality wagon, should he so desire.  There are some pretty depressing blogs on there, too, let me tell ya...maybe a bit melodramatic, but who am I to judge?  I do know that the little bit I read was enough to make me want to do things the right way.  You know, leave the house on time so I don't have to grumble at everyone on the way out and for several miles down the road; complete my assignments as soon as possible instead of at 2 in the morning the night before the due date when I have to be up early to take care of little ones the next day....things like that.  I really do want to do better, at least on the surface, but it's hard to undo years of habit.  It makes me wonder if on some level I enjoy the drama I create by putting things off until the last minute.   The assignments, etc., that I have gotten done ahead of time (there aren't many - I remember each occasion), gave me a near-euphoric sense of accomplishment.  I must enjoy the drama somewhat, then.  At least enough to outweigh the good feeling of getting things done in a timely manner.  Of course another element of this equation is the time spent goofing off while procrastinating.  That surely is a bonus and almost makes the lack of sleep or the stress of arriving late worth it. 

Naturally I wonder how this personality trait relates to the fact that it's taken me twelve years to graduate from college?  Have I subconsciously prevented myself from finishing for fear that I will then have to be a grown-up?  Maybe I worry that I'll graduate and have nothing to show for it but a bunch of student loan debt?  Maybe I feel like I don't deserve to be successful, or simply fear that I won't.  Maybe I've just been really stinkin' busy working, remodeling, being a wife and raising my kids.  Maybe I should stop pretending I'm a psychiatrist because I took a few psychology classes along the way.  Maybe I should've majored in psychology!  That's it!  I finally know what I want to do! 

Pretty crazy way to choose a major and/or career.  Still, when you're searching for your path, and you are an indecisive sort, it sometimes doesn't take much to lead you in a new direction, then somewhere else when that doesn't pan out.  Maybe I have attention deficit disorder!  One thing is quite clear.  I took just enough psychology to be dangerous (or at least annoying - just ask my husband). 

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